Ensuring anti-seismic performance of existing properties is a social issue, as we must prepare for earthquake disasters such as the Nankai mega thrust earthquake that is expected to occur in the near future. In addition to the protection of human life, the demand to preserve property is growing year by year.
By firstly knowing the anti-seismic performance of buildings and then implementing the necessary seismic retrofitting and reinforcements so that buildings will be more protected and last longer, we hope our clients will be able to use their buildings, which are their valuable social assets, more safely and for a longer time.
Earthquake resistance standards were significantly revised in 1981.
We conduct appropriate anti-seismic performance and degradation diagnoses for buildings completed before the new seismic design law according to their use and size to grasp and evaluate in detail seismic capacities and degrees of degradation.
Regarding the diagnosis, we conduct preliminary surveys and on-site investigations to study the building’s size, shape, and secular change and reflect these in diagnosis results.
Given the results of anti-seismic performance and degradation diagnoses, we propose optimal retrofitting and reinforcement methods for each building. We incorporate the latest technologies and select methods that consider economic efficiency without compromising functionality and design.
Building dysfunction can be prevented by formulating and implementing highly feasible maintenance plans. Moreover, by simultaneously incorporating life-extension plans, buildings can be used for a longer period and lifecycle costs will be reduced as a result.
Plans for appropriate repairs and upgrades are necessary so that facilities and pipelines can be used economically for a long time. Life-extension refers to a method of promoting economic and functional health for long-term use through repairs that are most rational in terms of lifecycle costs. This has become indispensable for the renovation plans of sewage facilities in recent years. Showa Sekkei contributes to the maintenance of urban infrastructure by implementing facility surveys and proposing plans as well as through detailed designs.
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